Title: Destination Shot On: Canon 80D Lens: Canon EF 18mm to 55mm Year: 2020 Bithoor Ghat The photograph titled "Destination" is a compelling narrative captured at Bithoor Ghat. It features a young boy in the river, his purposeful stride suggesting a clear goal or destination. The boy, the central figure in the photograph, stands out against the vast expanse of the river. His simple attire suggests a humble background, but his determined stride speaks volumes about his spirit. He is not merely wading through the water; he is on a journey, moving towards a destination. The river, a significant element in the photograph, is more than just a body of water. It is a pathway, a route that the boy is navigating with determination. The ripples around the boy indicate his progress, his movement towards his goal. The setting of the photograph, Bithoor Ghat, adds a layer of cultural and historical context to the image. Ghats, in Indian culture, are steps leading...