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Showing posts from March, 2024


Title: Destination  Shot On:  Canon 80D  Lens:  Canon EF 18mm to 55mm  Year:  2020 Bithoor Ghat The photograph titled "Destination" is a compelling narrative captured at Bithoor Ghat. It features a young boy in the river, his purposeful stride suggesting a clear goal or destination. The boy, the central figure in the photograph, stands out against the vast expanse of the river. His simple attire suggests a humble background, but his determined stride speaks volumes about his spirit. He is not merely wading through the water; he is on a journey, moving towards a destination. The river, a significant element in the photograph, is more than just a body of water. It is a pathway, a route that the boy is navigating with determination. The ripples around the boy indicate his progress, his movement towards his goal. The setting of the photograph, Bithoor Ghat, adds a layer of cultural and historical context to the image. Ghats, in Indian culture, are steps leading down to a body of


   Title: Goodbye    Shot On:  Canon 80D     Lens:  Canon EF 18mm to 55mm     Year:  2021    Kanpur University The photograph titled "Goodbye" is a poignant depiction of a gardener bidding farewell to a statue at Kanpur University. The image is rich with symbolism and emotion, capturing a moment that is both ordinary and extraordinary. The central figures in the photograph are the gardener and the statue. The gardener, a woman of humble means, is seen in her everyday attire, her hands roughened by the toil of her work. Her face is weathered, yet there is a certain grace and dignity in her posture. She stands before the statue, her hand raised in a gesture of farewell. The statue, on the other hand, is a silent, immovable figure. It stands tall and majestic, a testament to the artistic prowess of its creator. Despite its inanimate nature, the statue seems to exude a sense of understanding and empathy towards the gardener. The setting of the photograph, Kanpur University, adds
Title: Banaras Ghat Shot On:  Canon 80D  Lens:  Canon EF 18mm to 55mm  Year:  2021 Banaras (Uttar Pradesh)
Title: Ganga Aarti  Shot On:  Canon 90D. Lens:  Canon EF 50mm f1.8 Year:  2023 Banaras (Uttar Pradesh)
Title:  Destination  Shot On:  Canon 80D  Lens:  Canon EF 18mm to 55mm  Year:  2021 Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh)
Title:  Destination  Shot On:  Canon 80D  Lens:  Canon EF 55mm to 250mm  Year:  2021 Bithoor Ghat

Mom, Please Save Me

    Title: Mom, Please Save Me     Shot On: Canon 80D     Lens: Canon EF 18mm to 55mm     Year: 2021    Kanpur University @Copyright Shrvan Mandal                                   2021 In this photograph titled "Mom, Please Save Me," the focal point is a young Nilgai calf, standing alone in front of an effigy of its mother. The calf's eyes betray a mix of confusion, fear, and longing as it gazes at the effigy, perhaps seeing in it the familiar contours and features of its lost parent. The effigy, though lifeless and inert, serves as a poignant reminder of the calf's longing for the warmth and protection of its mother's presence. Adding to the tension of the scene are the silhouettes of dogs in the distance, their presence hinting at the dangers lurking in the periphery. For the young calf, these dogs represent a very real threat, triggering instincts of survival and self-preservation. The fear in its eyes is palpable, as it stands frozen in place, unsure of wh


Title: Feeding Shot on: Canon 80D. Lens:  Canon EF 18mm to 55mm  Year: 2021 Banaras Ghat  @Copyright Shrvan Mandal                                   2021 In the clamoring heart of Banaras Ghat, where the Ganges streams tenderly and time appears to move to its musicality, a quiet second unfurls. In the midst of the tumult of the city, a little kid remains with outstretched arms, offering food to the winged occupants that call this sacrosanct spot home. Caught in this photo is a scene of unadulterated sympathy and association. The young lady's face is enlightened by a delicate shine, her demeanor one of calm assurance and consideration. In her grasp, she holds pieces of food, a straightforward contribution that says a lot about her sympathy towards the animals around her. The birds, mindful of her presence, accumulate around her enthusiastically, their wings outstretched in expectation. With each delicate motion, the young lady turns into an image of concordance, overcoming any issu