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About Author


Hello, and welcome to “Visual Metaphor”. I am Shrvan Mandal, the curator of this space. I am a visual artist currently pursuing my M.F.A in Applied Art from Lovely Professional University. My journey in the realm of art has been a fascinating exploration of colors, forms, and expressions. It has led me to perceive the world through a unique lens, one that captures not just images, but stories, emotions, and ideas.

Photography, for me, is more than just a medium of expression. It’s a dialogue between the observer and the observed, a dance of light and shadows, and a testament to the fleeting moments that define our existence. Through this blog, I aim to share my photography story with you. From the history of photography to the rules that guide its practice, from the nuances of composition to the subtleties of lighting, we will explore it all.

My photography blog is a space where I combine my love for visual art and storytelling to create a compelling narrative. I use my camera as a tool to capture moments and emotions, transforming them into a visual language that resonates with my audience. My photography style is a blend of reality and imagination, where I use metaphors to convey his message.

In addition to educational content, “Visual Metaphor” will also showcase my own work. My photographs, a blend of artistic vision and technical prowess, serve as a testament to what can be achieved with a camera and a keen eye.

So, whether you’re here to learn, to be inspired, or simply to appreciate the beauty of photography, I’m glad you’ve joined us. Welcome to “Visual Metaphor”. Let’s embark on this photographic journey together.

With Smile                                                                                                @copyright Shrvan Mandal 


  1. keep up the good work! Can’t wait to see your best photo shots.🤩


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